"Does Listening to Trustworthy News Affect Political Attitudes and Trust?" com Pablo Barberá

Caras professoras e caros professores,
Caras alunas e caros alunos
Caras e caros colegas

Convidamos a todas e todos para o próximo seminário do DCP-USP com Pablo Barberá (University of Southern California), sob o título "Does Listening to Trustworthy News Affect Political Attitudes and Trust?", no dia 01 de junho de 2023, às 17h30.

O seminário será virtual, pelo Zoom:

A mediação ficará a cargo de Lorena Barberia (DCP-USP)

Esperamos por vocês!

Coordenação de Seminários do DCP-USP

Sobre o conferencista:

Pablo Barberá
He is a Research Scientist in Meta's Core Data Science team and an Associate Professor in the Department of Political Science and International Relations at the University of Southern California. Barberá received his PhD in Political Science from New York University, where he was also a graduate research associate in the Social Media and Political Participation lab and a Moore-Sloan Post-Doctoral Fellow at the NYU Center for Data Science. Prior to joining Meta, he was an Assistant Professor of Computational Social Science in the Methodology department at the London School of Economics. His primary areas of academic research include social media and politics, computational social science, and comparative electoral behavior and political representation.