Fernando Henrique Cardoso, dependent bourgeois revolution, military bureaucratic autocracy, semi-presidentialism, democracyAbstract
The article takes up categories proposed by Fernando Henrique Cardoso in 1971 to analyze the 1964 coup and the military dictatorship. Based on them, an attempt is made to interpret aspects of the political process from the impeachment of Dilma Rousseff to the third year of Bolsonaro's government. The idea of “bourgeois dependent revolution”, which Cardoso associates with the economic miracle that occurred approximately from 1967 to 1976, is used to understand the meaning of the 2016 parliamentary coup. The notion of “military-bureaucratic autocracy”, used by Fernando Henrique, to characterize the dictatorial regime, is compared to the current alternatives of semi-presidentialism, fascist-biased autocratism and the return to the democracy of 1988.